A design solution for dystopian drone surveillance​​​​​​​
As society becomes more concerned with safety in public spaces, the use of surveillance technology has become more prevalent. 
Governments and politicians often promote increased surveillance as a solution to crime and terrorism, but what is the impact on our everyday lives? 
How can we feel safe again?
One potential solution is the use of autonomous drones that can passively monitor the environment and prevent crimes, providing a higher level of protection for everyone with minimal disruption to daily life. 
The promise of immediate personal help in an emergency can alleviate people's fears and eliminate the need for self-defense.
To design the security service model, I developed a detailed blueprint that includes the industrial design of the drone and the entire user experience, from making an emergency call, to human-assisted air support, to criminal arrest. 
I also used storyboarding to facilitate discussions and feedback about the dystopian story and its implications for the user experience and drone design.
​​​​​​​Once the service and technical construction were designed, I focused on the color, material, and finish (CMF) of the drone, considering the balance between security and intimidation. 
The design concept also takes into account the handling of the drone by police officers, including maintenance and storage.
The drone is equipped with 360-degree cameras for observation and intense LED lights for illumination in dark areas. 
It can communicate autonomously or with human support, and has six escalation stages that are communicated through LED setup and color coding.
Stage 00 - Neutral observation
Stage 00 - Neutral observation
Stage 01 - Invisible investigation
Stage 01 - Invisible investigation
Stage 03 - Concrete investigation
Stage 03 - Concrete investigation
Stage 04 - Escalation
Stage 04 - Escalation
Stage 05 - Warning
Stage 05 - Warning
Stage 06 - Taser firing
Stage 06 - Taser firing
This project is an independent design study not related to any brand.

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